The Providence Hood & Portland To Coast Relays is the most popular and largest  running and walking relay race in the world, annually drawing participants from over 40 countries and all 50 states. Known as the Mother of All Relays, the event takes 8 to 12 member relay teams 196 miles or 128 miles (from Portland) from the iconic top of Mount Hood to the beaches of the Pacific Ocean. The event has sold-out for 36 straight years and on lottery opening day for 31 consecutive years!

We look forward to celebrating the 43rd annual Providence Hood To Coast & 34th annual Providence Portland To Coast Walk with you on
August 22nd-23rd, 2025

Tag us on social media with the hashtags:

#HTC25 #PTC25


Tell me all about the event...

All of your event logistics questions can be found in your event handbook. From course maps to race rules, to awards, to safety tips and everything in between, the handbook answers all of your questions about the Mother of All Relays!

Be sure to periodically check-in and download an updated version of the handbook. Due to the nature of this 128-198 mile long event, we are consistently updating our handbook to reflect the changes being made daily.

Join Our Club on Strava

Check out our interactive route in the Hood To Coast Strava Club! For individual leg maps, clicks “Course Maps” in the menu above.

Other Resources


The 2025 relay is SOLD OUT!

Contact [email protected] to learn about opportunities to still participate!

Anywhere from 8-12 runners or walkers are on a team. It just depends on how many miles you want to run/walk! With 12 teammates, HTC team members will run 3 legs, or 2 legs for a Portland To Coast team.

Your team of 8-12 runners/walkers will go in relay hand-off fashion from Start to Finish. The event has 36 sections called “Legs”. At each of the 35 hand off locations (called “Exchanges”) your runner or walker will hand off to the next teammate in rotation until everyone has run three legs (or walked two legs).

HTC/PTC has event blue/yellow signage and/or volunteers or hired flaggers at major crossings and turns. You should study your assigned legs to know your route in advance.

You and your teammates sleep in either your team van or designated sleeping fields that are gated/roped off at Exchange 18, 24 and 30. Get your sleeping bags, pillows and foam pads to catch a few winks if you can. It’s all part of the challenge and adventure!

#AlaskaCarelines Campout

Alaska Airlines is pleased to present the #AlaskaCarelines Campout at Exchange 24! All Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan™ Members will get exclusive access to a two-person tent while you catch some Z’s before heading off to the next exchange. Just show your Alaska Airlines Mileage Plan™ number to the attendant in order to enter. Valid forms of Mileage Plan numbers include an Alaska Airlines credit card (physical or apple wallet) or Mileage Plan number in the Alaska Airlines app. Not a Mileage Plan Member?! No problem! Click this link to sign up in less than 2 minutes.

Yes, most likely. It is a favorite leg for many runners/walkers surprisingly! The relay spans 24-36 hours, so if you’re running after 6PM and before 7AM, be sure to wear a headlamp, reflective vest and a front and back LED flasher.

Start times range anywhere from 2am-2pm. Please plan your travel accordingly. Start times will be announced early August. We are unable to take start time requests. Start times are FINAL and cannot be changed.

Teams will receive a slap band bracelet that they will pass from teammate to teammate at each exchange. Official slap bands are given at team start check-in once safety gear has been approved. If you lose it, a simple air or hand tag in the exchange chute will suffice. An official timing chip is on the back of the 12th runner’s/walker’s bib.

Please check the handbook for the latest information regarding showers on course.

If an injury takes place before the relay, simply drop the current teammate from your roster in the team clubhouse and invite your replacement teammate.

If an injury takes place during the event, rotate to the next teammate and continue in the same order, just moving the next runner/walker up in rotation. For more rules & information, please download the latest handbook.

Legs noted are not encouraged for athletes using wheeled devices or hand cycles:

  • Legs 1, 2, 3: paved but extremely steep downhill, descending 4,500 ft. elevation in approximately 15 miles.
  • Leg 9:Over 4 (of 5.38) miles is rough fairly large gravel/rocks (from start of Springwater Trail to Hogan
  • Legs 19, 20, 21, 22, 35: rough rocky gravel.
  • Leg 29, 30 (very little shoulder and steep up and down hill with many twisting curves in road).
  • Leg 36:  The last 150 feet of Leg 36, crossing the Finish Line is on the sandy beach. Beach access wheelchairs
    are available for free by reservation here!

For any additional questions, please refer to the event handbooks or email us at [email protected]


Watch for those deadlines...


You've earned it...

Overall Awards for HTC and PTC Relays Women’s, Men’s, and Mixed Winning Teams will be announced on August 23rd on the beach.

Category Awards will be available for pick up on Saturday, August 23rd on the beach from 6:30PM-8:00PM at the ‘Info’ Tent with photographer in front of HTC and PTC cut outs for pictures. The top 6 teams in each category for HTC & PTC Walk get to bypass the following year’s lottery and get automatic entry as well!

Your Team Category should automatically change as you add team members to your roster in the clubhouse. For any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected]

HTC Mens Open Majority males, any age, at least one runner under 30.
HTC Mens Submasters Majority males, minimum age of all runners is 30.
HTC Mens Masters Majority males, minimum age of all runners is 40.
HTC Mens Super Masters Majority males, minimum age of all runners is 50.
HTC Corporate Mens Open Majority males, any age and ALL from the same business.
HTC Womens Open any age, at least one runner under 30.
HTC Womens Submasters All females, minimum age of all runners is 30.
HTC Womens Masters All females, minimum age of all runners is 40.
HTC Womens Super Masters All females, minimum age of all runners is 50.
HTC Corporate Womens Open All females, any age and ALL from the same business.
HTC Mixed Open At least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, Any age with at least one runner under 30
HTC Mixed Submasters At least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, Minimum age of all runners is 30
HTC Mixed Masters At least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, Minimum age of all runners is 40
HTC Mixed Super Masters At least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, Minimum age of all runners is 50
HTC Corporate Mixed Open At least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, Any age and ALL from the same business
HTC Mens Champion Masters Majority males, minimum age of all participants is 60.
HTC Womens Champion Masters All females, minimum age of all participants is 60.
HTC Mixed Champion Masters At least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, minimum age of all participants is 60
HTC Non-Binary Open At least half of the team identify as non-binary or other self identification (age categories prompted as teammates register)
Women’s Elite any age, average registered & actual finish pace of 6:10 per mile or under.
Mens Elite any age, average registered & actual finish pace of 5:10 per mile or under.
PTC Mens Open WalkingAll male walkers, any age.
PTC Mens Masters WalkingAll males, minimum age of all walkers is 40.
PTC Womens Open WalkingAll female walkers, any age.
PTC Womens Masters WalkingAll females, minimum age of all walkers is 40.
PTC Mixed Open WalkingAny age and at least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary
PTC Mixed Masters WalkingMinimum age of all walkers is 40 and at least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary
PTC Mens Supermasters WalkingAll males, minimum age of all walkers is 50.
PTC Womens Super Masters WalkingAll females, minimum age of all walkers is 50.
PTC Mixed Super Masters WalkingMinimum age of all walkers is 50 and at least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary
PTC Corporate Mixed WalkingAny age and ALL from the same business and at least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary
PTC Corporate Mens WalkingAll males, any age and ALL from the same business.
PTC Corporate Womens WalkingAll females, any age and ALL from the same business.
PTC Mens Champion Masters WalkingAll males, minimum age of all participants is 60.
PTC Womens Champion Masters WalkingAll females, minimum age of all participants is 60.
PTC Mixed Champion Masters WalkingAt least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, minimum age of all participants is 60.
PTC Mens Submasters WalkingAll males, minimum age of all runners is 30.
PTC Non-Binary OpenAt least half of the team identify as non-binary or other self identification (age categories prompted as teammates register)
PTC Womens Submasters WalkingAll females, minimum age of all runners is 30.
PTC Mixed Submasters WalkingAt least half of the team members must identify as women or non-binary, Minimum age of all runners is 30.


Travel & Accommodation

Check the Team Clubhouse for your personalized 10% off Alaska discount link!

As a proud partner of the Hood and Portland To Coast Relays, Timberline Lodge is happy to provide exclusive access to lodging during race weekend. Use code promo 402917 when booking online HERE or call reservations @ 503-272-3410 and use code ‘PHLOX.’

Mt. Hood Resort is a proud sponsor of the Hood and Portland to Coast Relays and are providing exclusive access to lodging. Book your stay HERE!

As a HTC/PTC participant, AC Hotels in Portland is offering you an exclusive discount on your stay! Book your discounted stay today! 

*Reservations must be booked by July 20th to recieve discounted rates. Valid on bookings between August 20th-August 25th