Word eventually got out of the adventurous Hood To Coast Relay Bob and his friends would do each year, and the race began to take on a life of its own. As HTC grew, it necessitated safer exchange points with more ample parking, resulting in varying leg lengths that continue today. In 1989, the event outgrew capacity for the town of Pacific City and moved to the beachside community of Seaside, Oregon. The distance of the event then increased to 199 miles, with teams growing in size to 12 members, in order to accommodate the extra mileage.
Not only runners were interested in the relay, in 1990, Hood To Coast organizers were approached separately by two women, one from Nike, asking to participate in the Hood To Coast as casual, non-competitive walk teams. Event organizers evaluated the logistics and feasibility, and came up with the idea of having the two teams start in downtown Portland, and travel from that point with the Hood To Coast course to Seaside. Along the course, a competitive fire was lit between the two teams and at that moment, although unofficially, the Portland To Coast Walk was born!
The next year, the Portland To Coast Walk Relay became official and has grown in popularity ever since. Each year it reaches the capacity of 400 teams. Walk teams take on an incredible challenge, and should be proud to be part of the Largest Walk Relay in the World and one of Oregon’s largest walking events of any kind!